Civil Eats — Naomi Starkman

If you care about the food system you probably already know about Civil Eats and if you don\’t, you need to check it out after you listen to this podcast with Civil Eats founder and editor Naomi Starkman. Civil Eats has a fresh story daily that features work advancing improvements in the food system. Naomi was a lawyer, journalist and a farmer before launching Civil Eats. Along the way she\’s been inspired, mentored and be-friended by all of the pioneers of the Food Movement. She returns the favor by sharing and encouraging others to take risks and try new things–maybe farming. If there is a silver lining to the recent political clouds, it is that people are more motivated to make a difference. Naomi believes that each of us can make a difference and have a role to play by choosing what we want to eat, what kind of changes we want to see in the food system and doing something, even volunteering. And contrary to recent experience it can be done with a tone that is Civil. The Civil Eats article about changing the food system that Naomi references in the podcast is