Crocks of Change – Suzy DeYoung, LaSoupe

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One of the most unfortunate dilemmas in the food chain is that all over the world, including the US, children are going hungry and yet we waste over 40% of the food we produce.  A comprehensive political solution is not at hand but progress is happening in local communities–utilizing food that was bound for landfills even though it is still safe and nutritious.  The existing cycle of waste is an indefensible contributor to climate change and hunger.   LaSoupe is showing a different path forward. It\’s founder, Suzy DeYoung, is an experienced Chef who decided that \’enough is enough\’; something must be done to waste less and recover food that can be  re-directed to needy families.   Food pantries and other non-profit food distribution agencies are not new; however LaSoupe goes further inmany ways, including tapping the creativity, generosity and compassion of Restaurant Chefs who want to help. Volunteering Chefs are pitching in to prepare delicious soups from foods that were otherwise destined to be wasted; then sharing  through a \”Bucket Brigade\” to those in need. The result? Food is not wasted; hungry kids are fed; Cooking talents are shared with the less fortunate; young people are inspired; and selfless individuals realize the satisfaction that comes from helping others.  Suzy DeYoung joins the Farm Table to share the keys to this admirable farm to table journey.